Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Introduction to RTB101

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Introduction to RTB101

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: QOD - Why the media schools use Adobe as a training software in the industry.

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Overview of Adobe Audition

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Introduction to Adobe Audition Cheat Sheet

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Understanding the Control Panel Essentials

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Identifying Audio Clips

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Time Selection Tool

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Trimming a Clip

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Audio Mixing

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Exporting

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Consider the Relationship Between RTB101 & RTB103

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Your QOD Response

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2:

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: QOD - What is a Workflow?

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: Defining Workflow

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: Why Workflows Matter

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: Lawn Care Commercial Example

    • Chapter 1 - Session 3:

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: Your QOD Response

    • Chapter 1 - Session 3: Recording Levels and Production (Production Day)

    • Chapter 1 - Session 3: Review of Lawn Care Commercial Assignment

    • Chapter 1 - Session 3: Submission of Production Day Assignment

  2. 2
    • Chapter 2 - Session 1:

    • Chapter 2 - Session 1: Introduction to Voice Overs

    • Please respond to the Question of the Day: Where is the most effective placement for a microphone to capture your voice?

    • Chapter 2 - Session 2: Video 6

    • Chapter 2: Introduction to Microphone Polar Patterns

    • Chapter 2 - Session 2: Why Pick Up Patterns Matter

    • Chapter 2 - Session 2: What instruments Produce Different Frequencies

    • Chapter 2 - Session 2: How to Read a Polar Pattern Diagram

    • Chapter 2 - Session 3:

    • Chapter 2 - Session 3: CRITICAL LISTENING/INTRO TO EQ (Lab Hours Application)

    • Chapter 2 - Session 3 Lawn Care Assignment

  3. 3
    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Introduction to Adobe Premiere

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Scavenger Hunt

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Introduction to Adobe Premiere

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Scavenger Hunt Continued

    • Chapter 3 - Session 3: Turn in Video Scavenger Hunt

  4. 4
    • Chapter 4 - Session 1:

    • Chapter 4 - Session 1: Video Interview

    • Chapter 4 - Session 1: Evaluation Rubric

    • Chapter 4 - Session 2:

    • Chapter 4 - Session 2: Editing an Interview in Adobe Premiere

    • Chapter 4 - Session 3:

    • Chapter 4 - Session 3: Interview Assignment