Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Welcome to DMP 203 Digital Web Production

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Hypertext Mark Up Language (HTML) and How the Internet Works

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: An Introduction to HTML

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Anatomy of a Web Page

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: HTML Introduction Activity

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Using Notepad or Textedit

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: HTML Basics

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: HTML Elements

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: HTML Attributes

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: HTML Headings

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: HTML Paragraphs

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: HTML Styles

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: HTML Formatting Elements

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: HTML Quotation and Citation Elements

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: HTML Comments

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: Colors

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: HTML CSS

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: HTML Images

    • Chapter 1 - Session 3:

    • Chapter 1 - Session 3: Time for Self-Assessment

  2. 2
    • Chapter 2 - Session 1:

    • Chapter 2 - Session 1: HTML Tables

    • Chapter 2 - Session 1: HTML Lists

    • Chapter 2 - Session 1: HTML Block and Inline Elements

    • Chapter 2 - Session 1: HTML class Attribute

    • Chapter 2 - Session 1: The id Attribute

    • Chapter 2 - Session 1: HTML iframe

    • Chapter 2 - Session 1: HTML File Paths

    • Chapter 2 - Session 2: HTML - The Head Element

    • Chapter 2 - Session 2: HTML Layout Elements and Techniques

    • Chapter 2 - Session 2: HTML Responsive Web Design

    • Chapter 2 - Session 2: HTML Computer Code Elements

    • Chapter 2 - Session 2: HTML Semantic Elements

    • Chapter 2 - Session 2: HTML Style Guide and Coding Conventions

    • Chapter 2 - Session 3: Time for Self-Assessment

  3. 3
    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: introduction to CSS

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: CSS Syntax

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1 : CSS Selectors

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: CSS Comments

    • Chapter 3 - Session 2: CSS Colors

    • Chapter 3 - Session 2: CSS Background

    • Chapter 3 - Session 2: CSS Boarders

    • Chapter 3 - Session 2: CSS Margins

    • Chapter 3 - Session 2: CSS Padding

    • Chapter 3 - Session 2: CSS Height and Width

    • Chapter 3 - Session 2: CSS Box Model

    • Chapter 3 - Session 2: CSS Outline

    • Chapter 3 - Session 3: CSS Text

    • Chapter 3 - Session 3: CSS Fonts

    • Chapter 3 - Session 3: CSS Icons

    • Chapter 3 - Session 3: CSS Links

    • Chapter 3 - Session 3: CSS Lists

  4. 4
    • Chapter 4 - Session 1: Display Property

    • Chapter 4 - Session 1: CSS Layout - width and max-width

    • Chapter 4 - Session 1: The Position Property

    • Chapter 4 - Session 1: CSS Layout - Overflow

    • Chapter 4 - Session 1: CSS Layout - float and clear

    • Chapter 4 - Session 1: CSS Layout - display: inline-block

    • Chapter 4 - Session 1: CSS Layout - Horizontal & Vertical Align

    • Chapter 4 - Session 2: CSS Combinators

    • Chapter 4 - Session 2: CSS Pseudeo-classes

    • Chapter 4 - Session 2: CSS Opacity / Transparency

    • Chapter 4 - Session 3: CSS Navigation Bar

    • Chapter 4 - Session 3: CSS Dropdowns

    • Chapter 4 - Session 3: CSS Image Gallery

    • Chapter 4 - Session 3: CSS Image Sprites

  5. 5
    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: CSS Attribute Selectors

    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: CSS Forms

    • Chapter 5 - Session 2: CSS Counters

    • Chapter 5 - Session 2: CSS Website Layout

    • Chapter 5 - Session 3: CSS Units

    • Chapter 5 - Session 3: CSS Specificity

    • Chapter 5 - Session 3: Self-Assessment - CSS Quiz

  6. 6
    • Chapter 6 - Session 1: Putting It All Together

    • Chapter 6 - Session 1: Developing an Outline

    • Chapter 6 - Session 1: Developing an Outline Pt. 2

    • Chapter 6 - Session 1: Templates to Help Outline

    • Chapter 6 - Session 2: Outline Website

    • Complete Outline and Post to Instructor and Community.

  7. 7
    • Chapter 7 - Session 1: Look at How the Pros Do It

    • Chapter 7 - Session 1: Introduction to Wireframing

    • Chapter 7 - Session 2: HTML & CSS Code Examples

    • Chapter 7 - Session 2: Adding Custom CSS to WordPress

    • Chapter 7 - Session 3: Purchase WordPress and Domain Name

  8. 8
    • Chapter 8 - Session 1: Upgrading Design and Branding of Personal WordPress Site

    • Chapter 8 - Session 2: Upgrading Design and Branding of Personal WordPress Site

    • Chapter 8 - Session 3: Upgrading Design and Branding of Personal WordPress Site

  9. 9
    • Chapter 9 - Session 1: Introduction to Capstone Project

    • Chapter 9 - Session 1: Research Small Business to Choose Example

    • Chapter 9 - Session 2: Research Choice of Radio/TV/Digital Publication/Website

    • Chapter 9 Session 3: Research Personal Branding Site for Artist of Your Choice

  10. 10
    • Chapter 10 - Session 1: Small Business Site Design

    • Chapter 10 - Session 2: WordPress Theme Selection

    • Chapter 10 - Session 3: WordPress Theme Selection

  11. 11
    • Chapter 11 - Session 1: Small Business Site Design

    • Chapter 11 - Session 2: Small Business Site Design

    • Chapter 11 - Session 3: Submission of Small Business Website

  12. 12
    • Chapter 12 - Session 1: Radio/TV/Digital Publication Website

    • Chapter 12 - Session 2: Radio/TV/Digital Publication Website

    • Chapter 12 - Session 3: Radio/TV/Digital Publication Website

    • Session 12 - Session 3: Radio/TV/Digital Publication

  13. 13
    • Chapter 13 - Session 1: Radio/TV/Digital Publication Website Media Production

    • Chapter 13 - Session 2: Radio/TV/Digital Publication Website Media Production

    • Chapter 13 - Session 3: Radio/TV/Digital Publication Website Final Polish and Publication

  14. 14
    • Chapter 14 - Session 1: Personal Branding Site for Artist Of Your Choice

    • Chapter 14 - Session 2: Personal Branding Site for Artist Of Your Choice

    • Chapter 14 - Session 3: Personal Branding Site for Artist Of Your Choice

  15. 15
    • Chapter 15 - Session 1: Refine and Polish All Web Content

    • Chapter 15 - Session 2: Refine and Polish All Web Content

    • Chapter 15 - Session 3: Refine and Polish All Web Content

  16. 16
    • Chapter 16 - Session 1: Refine and Polish All Web Content

    • Chapter 16 - Session 2: That's a Wrap - Student Presentations

    • Chapter 16 - Session 3: That's a Wrap - Student Presentations