DMP 203: Digital Web Production-8-31-2021
DMP203: Digital Web Production (3.0 Credits, 74hrs) The media industry requires students to be proficient within many different media, blending brands and messages within audio, video, and web environments.
Welcome to DMP 203 Digital Web Production
Welcome to HTML
Chapter 1 - Session 1: Hypertext Mark Up Language (HTML) and How the Internet Works
Chapter 1 - Session 1: An Introduction to HTML
Chapter 1 - Session 1: Anatomy of a Web Page
Chapter 1 - Session 1: HTML Introduction Activity
Chapter 1 - Session 1: Using Notepad or Textedit
Chapter 1 - Session 1: HTML Basics
Chapter 1 - Session 1: HTML Elements
Chapter 1 - Session 1: HTML Attributes
Chapter 1 - Session 1: HTML Headings
Chapter 1 - Session 1: HTML Paragraphs
Chapter 1 - Session 1: HTML Styles
Chapter 1 - Session 1: HTML Formatting Elements
Chapter 1 - Session 1: HTML Quotation and Citation Elements
Chapter 1 - Session 2:
Chapter 1 - Session 2: HTML Comments
Chapter 1 - Session 2: Colors
Chapter 1 - Session 2: HTML CSS
Chapter 1 - Session 2: HTML Images
Chapter 1 - Session 3:
Chapter 1 - Session 3: Time for Self-Assessment
Chapter 2 - Session 1:
Chapter 2 - Session 1: HTML Tables
Chapter 2 - Session 1: HTML Lists
Chapter 2 - Session 1: HTML Block and Inline Elements
Chapter 2 - Session 1: HTML class Attribute
Chapter 2 - Session 1: The id Attribute
Chapter 2 - Session 1: HTML iframe
Chapter 2 - Session 1: HTML File Paths
Chapter 2 - Session 2:
Chapter 2 - Session 2: HTML - The Head Element
Chapter 2 - Session 2: HTML Layout Elements and Techniques
Chapter 2 - Session 2: HTML Responsive Web Design
Chapter 2 - Session 2: HTML Computer Code Elements
Chapter 2 - Session 2: HTML Semantic Elements
Chapter 2 - Session 2: HTML Style Guide and Coding Conventions
Chapter 2 - Session 3:
Chapter 2 - Session 3: Time for Self-Assessment
Chapter 3 - Session 1:
Chapter 3 - Session 1: introduction to CSS
Chapter 3 - Session 1: CSS Syntax
Chapter 3 - Session 1 : CSS Selectors
Chapter 3 - Session 1: CSS Comments
Chapter 3 - Session 2:
Chapter 3 - Session 2: CSS Colors
Chapter 3 - Session 2: CSS Background
Chapter 3 - Session 2: CSS Boarders
Chapter 3 - Session 2: CSS Margins
Chapter 3 - Session 2: CSS Padding
Chapter 3 - Session 2: CSS Height and Width
Chapter 3 - Session 2: CSS Box Model
Chapter 3 - Session 2: CSS Outline
Chapter 3 - Session 3:
Chapter 3 - Session 3: CSS Text
Chapter 3 - Session 3: CSS Fonts
Chapter 3 - Session 3: CSS Icons
Chapter 3 - Session 3: CSS Links
Chapter 3 - Session 3: CSS Lists
Chapter 4 - Session 1:
Chapter 4 - Session 1: Display Property
Chapter 4 - Session 1: CSS Layout - width and max-width
Chapter 4 - Session 1: The Position Property
Chapter 4 - Session 1: CSS Layout - Overflow
Chapter 4 - Session 1: CSS Layout - float and clear
Chapter 4 - Session 1: CSS Layout - display: inline-block
Chapter 4 - Session 1: CSS Layout - Horizontal & Vertical Align
Chapter 4 - Session 2:
Chapter 4 - Session 2: CSS Combinators
Chapter 4 - Session 2: CSS Pseudeo-classes
Chapter 4 - Session 2: CSS Opacity / Transparency
Chapter 4 - Session 3:
Chapter 4 - Session 3: CSS Navigation Bar
Chapter 4 - Session 3: CSS Dropdowns
Chapter 4 - Session 3: CSS Image Gallery
Chapter 4 - Session 3: CSS Image Sprites
Chapter 5 - Session 1:
Chapter 5 - Session 1: CSS Attribute Selectors
Chapter 5 - Session 1: CSS Forms
Chapter 5 - Session 2:
Chapter 5 - Session 2: CSS Counters
Chapter 5 - Session 2: CSS Website Layout
Chapter 5 - Session 3:
Chapter 5 - Session 3: CSS Units
Chapter 5 - Session 3: CSS Specificity
Chapter 5 - Session 3: Self-Assessment - CSS Quiz
Chapter 6 - Session 1:
Chapter 6 - Session 1: Putting It All Together
Chapter 6 - Session 1: Developing an Outline
Chapter 6 - Session 1: Developing an Outline Pt. 2
Chapter 6 - Session 1: Templates to Help Outline
Chapter 6 - Session 2:
Chapter 6 - Session 2: Outline Website
Chapter 6 - Session 3:
Complete Outline and Post to Instructor and Community.
Chapter 7 - Session 1:
Chapter 7 - Session 1: Look at How the Pros Do It
Chapter 7 - Session 1: Introduction to Wireframing
Chapter 7 - Session 2:
Chapter 7 - Session 2: HTML & CSS Code Examples
Chapter 7 - Session 2: Adding Custom CSS to WordPress
Chapter 7 - Session 3:
Chapter 7 - Session 3: Purchase WordPress and Domain Name
Chapter 8 - Session 1:
Chapter 8 - Session 1: Upgrading Design and Branding of Personal WordPress Site
Chapter 8 - Session 2:
Chapter 8 - Session 2: Upgrading Design and Branding of Personal WordPress Site
Chapter 8 - Session 3:
Chapter 8 - Session 3: Upgrading Design and Branding of Personal WordPress Site
Chapter 9 - Session1:
Chapter 9 - Session 1: Introduction to Capstone Project
Chapter 9 - Session 1: Research Small Business to Choose Example
Chapter 9 - Session 2:
Chapter 9 - Session 2: Research Choice of Radio/TV/Digital Publication/Website
Chapter 9 - Session 3:
Chapter 9 Session 3: Research Personal Branding Site for Artist of Your Choice
Chapter 10 - Session 1:
Chapter 10 - Session 1: Small Business Site Design
Chapter 10 - Session 2:
Chapter 10 - Session 2: WordPress Theme Selection
Chapter 10 - Session 3:
Chapter 10 - Session 3: WordPress Theme Selection
Chapter 11 - Session 1:
Chapter 11 - Session 1: Small Business Site Design
Chapter 11 - Session 2:
Chapter 11 - Session 2: Small Business Site Design
Chapter 11 - Session 3:
Chapter 11 - Session 3: Submission of Small Business Website
Chapter 12 - Session 1:
Chapter 12 - Session 1: Radio/TV/Digital Publication Website
Chapter 12 - Session 2:
Chapter 12 - Session 2: Radio/TV/Digital Publication Website
Chapter 12 - Session 3:
Chapter 12 - Session 3: Radio/TV/Digital Publication Website
Session 12 - Session 3: Radio/TV/Digital Publication
Chapter 13- Session 1
Chapter 13 - Session 1: Radio/TV/Digital Publication Website Media Production
Chapter 13- Session 2:
Chapter 13 - Session 2: Radio/TV/Digital Publication Website Media Production
Chapter 13- Session 3
Chapter 13 - Session 3: Radio/TV/Digital Publication Website Final Polish and Publication
Chapter 14 Session 1
Chapter 14 - Session 1: Personal Branding Site for Artist Of Your Choice
Chapter 14 Session 2:
Chapter 14 - Session 2: Personal Branding Site for Artist Of Your Choice
Chapter 14 Session 3
Chapter 14 - Session 3: Personal Branding Site for Artist Of Your Choice
Chapter 15 Session 1
Chapter 15 - Session 1: Refine and Polish All Web Content
Chapter 15 Session 2:
Chapter 15 - Session 2: Refine and Polish All Web Content
Chapter 15 Session 3
Chapter 15 - Session 3: Refine and Polish All Web Content
Chapter 16 - Session 1:
Chapter 16 - Session 1: Refine and Polish All Web Content
Chapter 16 - Session 2
Chapter 16 - Session 2: That's a Wrap - Student Presentations
Chapter 16 - Session 3
Chapter 16 - Session 3: That's a Wrap - Student Presentations