Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Week 1 - Session 1: Growing Your Brand Through Your Current Customers

    • Week 1 - 1: Grow Through Your Current Customers

    • Week 1 - Session 2: Strategies to Developing a Customer Base and Keeping it.

    • Week 1 - Session 3: 13 Smart Ways to Increase Revenue from Existing Customers

  2. 2
    • Week 2 - Session 1: Developing Plans to Implement with Existing Call to Actions

    • Week 2 - Session 2: Enhance Script Development for Upcoming Production

    • Week 2 - Session 3: Pre-Production Planning and Scripting

    • Week 3 - Session 4: Analytics and Measurement Preparations

  3. 3
    • Week 3 - Session 1: Return on Investment: Analyzing and Measurement of Social Impact

    • Week 3 - Session 2: Return on Investment

    • Week 3 - Session 3: Hootsuite

    • Week 3 - Session 4: Examine Tableau

    • Week 3 - Session 5: Gather Final Data

  4. 4
    • Week 4 - Session 1: That's a Wrap

    • Week 4 - Session 3: Final Discussions, Feedback and Wrap Up