Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Digital Web Production - Quick Review on Creating a Site in Wix

    • Digital Web Production - Reasons for Personal Web Use

    • Digital Web Productions - Application of Personal Web Use

    • Digital Web Productions - Application of Personal Web Use Assignment

    • Digital Web Production - Why Consider a Blog for a Personal Site

    • Digital Web Production - Ways to Configure a Blog Besides Just Text

    • Examples of Vlogs for Consideration

    • Digital Web Production - Examples for Podcasts

    • Digital Web Production - Using Social Media to Cross Platform with a Website

    • Digital Web Production - Keeping Up With Your Posting

    • Digital Web Production - Intelligent Tools of the Trade

    • Digital Web Production - AI Content Optimization

    • Digtal Web Production - Ai Content Experimentation

    • Digital Web Production - Reflections upon AI Content Experimentation

  2. 2
    • Creating a personal blog

    • Outlining Your Blog's Purpose

    • Outline Your Blog's Purpose Assignment

    • Create a Bog in Wix

    • The Importance of Keeping to a Publication Schedule

    • Social Media Incorporation to Support Blog

    • Develop Your 1st Blog Post

    • Incorporate An Intelligent Tool to Speed Up Development and Production

    • Publish 1st Blog Post

  3. 3
    • Post 2nd Blog Post

  4. 4
    • Post 3rd Blog Post