Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • DMP204 Overview

    • Welcome to DMP 204 Commercial Writing & Production

    • Welcome to DMP 204 Commercial Writing & Pr oduction

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Explore Types of Digital Ads

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Explore Types of Digital Ads: Pay per Click (PPC)

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: The History of PPC Ads

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1 : Improving PPC Targeting with Geotargeting

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Options Where to Purchase PPC Ads

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Explore Types of Digital Ads: Display

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Are Display Ads Effective?

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: PPC Call To Action

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Explore Types of Digital Ads: Video

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Explore Types of Digital Ads: Social

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Explore Types of Digital Ads: SEO

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Explore Types of Digital Ads: SEM

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Explore Types of Digital Ads: Email

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: Identification of platforms to access, purchase and assign

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: Identification of Platforms to Access, Purchase, and Assign- PPC

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: Identification of Platforms to Access, Purchase, and Assign- Display

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: Questions to Consider as We Move Forward

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: Identification of Platforms to Access, Purchase, and Assign- SEO

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: Identification of Platforms to Access, Purchase, and Assign- SEM

    • Chapter 3 - Session 3: What have We Learned

  2. 2
    • Chapter 2 - Session 1:

    • Chapter 2 - Session 1 - Attention to Detail Matters

    • Chapter 2 Session 1 - Constructing PPC & Display Ad

    • Chapter 2 - Session 2 - Constructing Video and Social Media Ads

    • Chapter 2 - Session 2 - Constructing Video & Social Media Ad

    • Chapter 2 - Session 3: Constructing SEO, SEM and Email Ad

  3. 3
    • Chapter 3 - Session 1:

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: The Art of Story Telling

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: The Value of an Emotional Bond in Froming a Call To Action

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Storytelling Techniques & How to Apply Them

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Have an Enemy & a Hero

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: The Use of Conflict

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Ways to Increase Tension

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Avoid Unneeded Detail - Move The Story Forward

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Story Telling is Very Personal

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Be a Visual Storyteller

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Make it Easy to Relate

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Use Suspense and Suprise Effectively

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Dramatic Story Tellling, The S tory Arc and Changing the Brain Chemistry

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Hook Line and Sinker: 7 Tips for a Killer Call to Action

    • Chapter 3 - Session 2: Discuss how to create situations that specific emotions; anger, joy, humor, etc and which emotions work well for specific types of ads.

    • Chapter 3 - Session 2: Finding just the right word to express your emotions: Anger Pt 1

    • Chapter 3 - Session 2: Finding Just the Right Word: Anger Pt 2

    • Chapter 3 - Session 2: Finding Just the Right Word: Anger Pt 3

    • Chapter 3 - Session 2: Finding Just the Right Word: Anger Pt 4

    • Chapter 3 - Session 2: Finding Just the Right Word: Scripting Workflow Pt 1

    • Chapter 3 - Session 2: Finding Just the Right Word: Scripting Workflow Pt 2

    • Chapter 3 - Session 2: Finding Just the Right Word: Scripting Workflow Pt 3

    • Chapter 3 - Session 2: Finding Just the Righ Word: Combinging Emotions

    • Chapter 3 - Session 2: Finding Just the Right Word: Scipting Workflow Pt 4

    • Chapter 3 - Session 3: Choose a Specific Type of Ad and Craft a Back Story and Emotional Call to Action

  4. 4
    • Chapter 4 - Session 1: Effective & Non-Effective Uses of Images and Memes

    • Chapter 4 - Session 1: To Meme or Not to Meme

    • Chapter 4 - Session1: Marketing Memes: Do They Work?

    • Chapter 4 - Session 1: 4 Things Y ou Should Know Before Y ou Start Using Memes on Social Media

    • Chapter 4 - Session 1: Understanding and Avoid Copyright Issues Pt 1

    • Chapter 4 - Session 1: Undertanding and Avoiding Copyright Issues Pt 2

    • Chapter 4 - Session 2: Exploring Graphic Creation Tools

    • Chaptere 4 - Session 2: Meme Construction Tools of the Trade Pt. 1

    • Chapter 4 - Session 2: Meme Construction Tools of the Trade Pt. 2

    • Chapter 4 - Session 2: Meme Construction Tools of the Trade Pt. 3

    • Chapter 4 - Session 2: Out of Class Preparation - Meme Creation on Current Social Topics

    • Chapter 4 - Session 3:

    • Chapter 4 - Session 3: Meme Creation on Current Social Topics

  5. 5
    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: Understanding the Pitch Pt. 1

    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: Understanding the Pitch Pt. 2

    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: Understanding the Pitch Pt. 3

    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: Understanding the Pitch Pt. 4

    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: Understanding the Pitch; Self-Assessment

    • Chapter 5 - Session 2:

    • Chapter 5 - Session 2: Complete Pitch and Submit For Review

    • Chapter 5 - Session 3:

    • Chapter 5 - Session 3: Offer Feedback to Group Members

  6. 6
    • Chapter 6 - Session 1: Application of Skills: Your 1st 3 Pitches

    • Chapter 6 - Session 1: Application of Skills

    • Chapter 6 - Session 1: Self Assessment Rubric of Sell the Product Spot

    • Chapter 6 - Session 2: Application of Skills

    • Chapter 6 - Session 2: Self Assessment Rubric for Sell the Service

    • Chapter 6 - Session 3: Final Presentation and Evaluation of Audio Ads

    • Chapter 6 - Session 3: Final Presentation and Evaluation of Audio Ads

    • Chapter 6 - Session 3: Final Presentation and Evaluation of Audio Ads

  7. 7
    • Chapter 7 - Session 1: Getting in the Right Mindset to Pitch

    • Chapter 7 - Session 1: Scripting for Video Concepts

    • Chapter 7 - Session 1: Video Assessment Rubric for Self-Assessment

    • CHapter 7 - Session 2: Final Presentation and Evaluation of Video Ads

    • Chapter 7 - Session 3: Final Presentation and Evaluation of Audio Ads

  8. 8
    • Chapter 8 - Session 1: Introduction of Captstone Project Pt. 1

    • Chapter 8 - Session 1: Introduction of Captstone Project Pt. 2

    • Chapter 8 - Session 1: Design & Outline of Capstone

    • Chapter 8 - Session 1: Production Quote Considerations

    • Chapter 8 - Session 1: Capstone Project Schedule

    • Chapter 8 - Session 2:

    • Chapter 8 - Session 3:

    • Chapter 8 - Session 3: Capstone Planning and Research

  9. 9
    • Chapter 9 - Session 1:

    • Chapter 9 - Session 1: Audio Objectives for Captstone

    • Chapter 9 - Session 1: DMP 204 Commercial Sell the Product Rubric for Reference

    • Chapter 9 - Session 1: DMP 204 Commercial Sell the Service Rubric for Reference

    • Chapter 9 - Session 1: Podcasting Rubric for Reference

    • Chapter 9 - Session 2:

    • Chapter 9 - Session 2: Commercial Scripting and Production

    • Chapter 9 - Session 3:

    • Chapter 9 - Session 3: Commercial Production and Submission

  10. 10
    • Chapter 10 - Session 1:

    • Chapter 10 - Session 1: DMP 204 Video Commercial Assessment Rubric for Reference

    • Chapter 10 - Session 2: Scripting and Production

    • Chapter 10 - Session 3: Commercial Production and Submission

  11. 11
    • Chapter 11 - Session 1:

    • Chapter 11 - Session 1: Scripting & Production for Website

    • Chapter 11 - Session 2: Scripting & Production for Website - Wireframe Review

    • Chapter 11 - Session 3:

    • Chapter 11 - Session 3: Website Wireframe Production and Submission

  12. 12
    • Chapter 12 - Session 1:

    • Chapter 12 - Session 1: Scripting & Production for Social Media

    • Chapter 12 - Session 2:

    • Chapter 12 - Session 2: Scripting & Production for Social Media

    • Chapter 12 - Session 3:

    • Chapter 12 - Session 3: Scripting & Production for Social Media

    • Chapter 12 - Session 3: Production and Submersion for Social Media

    • Chapter 12 - Session 3: Outside of Class Preparation for Presentations

  13. 13
    • Chapter 13 - Session 1: Thoughts on Presenting

    • Chapter 13 - Session 1: Students will Finalize Presentation

    • Chapter 13 - Session 1: Students will Peer Present for Review

    • Chapter 13 - Session 3: Students will Peer Present for Review

    • Chapter 13 - Session 3: Submission of Presentation Materials

  14. 14
    • Chapter 14 - Session 1:

    • Chapter 14 - Session 1: Final Preperations for Capstone

    • Chapter 14 - Session 2: Final Preperations for Capstone

    • Chapter 14 - Session 3: Final Preperations for Capstone

  15. 15
    • Chapter 15 - Session 1: Prepare for Final Presentation

    • Chapter 15 - Session 2: Prepare for Final Presentation

    • Chapter 15 - Session 2: Prepare for Final Presentation

  16. 16
    • Chapter 16 - Session 1: Thats a Wrap

    • Chapter 16 - Session 1: Final Presentations

    • Chapter 16 - Session 2: Final Presentations

    • Chapter 16 - Session 3: Final Presentations & Lessons Learned

    • Chapter 16-Session 3: Final Project Materials Submission