Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Introduction of Projects Due by End of Week 4 & Timeline

    • Welcome to DMP 204 Commercial Writing & Production video 204 00

    • Introduction to Commercial Writing and Production

    • Elements for a Successful Coporate Commercial

    • Considerations for Corporate Storytelling

    • Tapping Into Audience Emotions

    • Considerations for Clear Brand Messaging in Corporate Advertising

    • What You See Matters: Visual Considerations

    • Targeting an Audience With a Call To Action (CTA)

    • The Power of a Jingle

    • Create Your Own Jingle, Even If Your Not a Musician

    • AI Tools to Help Your Music Creation

    • Successful Commercial Discussion

    • AI Music Creation Example

    • The Power of Repurposing video content for Radio and the Web

    • Turn in Pre-Production Work

  2. 2
    • Introduction to Story Boarding

    • Intro To Storyboarding Pt2

    • Breaking down a script into an effective storyboard

    • 3 Storyboarding Tools to Help you Get Started

    • The Value of a High-Quality Storyboard in Production Process

    • Other Considerations for Pre-Production Planning

    • Present and Submit Storyboard for Review

  3. 3
    • Introduction to Production

    • Review of Adobe Operations and Editing

    • Repurpose Video Commercials for Audio Presentation

    • Adding value through repurposing content

    • Introduction of Adobe's Media Encoder

    • Submit Edited Content for Critique from Your Instructor.

    • Final Exporting Formats for your Content

  4. 4
    • Continue Editing and Post Production

    • Present and Turn in All Corporate Content