Course curriculum
LIRN Library Access
Parts of the Personal Computer - CPU
Parts of the Personal Computer - RAM
Parts of the Personal Computer - Hard Drives
Parts of the Personal Computer - Motherboard
Parts of the Personal Computer - Power Supply
Parts of the Personal Computer - Graphics Processing Unit
Parts of the Personal Computer - Display
Parts of the Personal Computer - Keyboard
Parts of the Personal Computer - Mouse
Parts of the Personal Computer - Sound Card
Parts of the Personal Computer - Audio Interfaces for High Quality Recording
Parts of the Personal Computer - Introduction to Microphones for High Quality Recording
Parts of the Personal Computer - Network Interface
Parts of the Personal Computer - Wireless Network Interface
Parts of the Personal Computer -For Discussion: What Have You Learned?
Introduction to File Management
File Management - Saving a File
File Management - Save a file to a network drive
File Management - Discussion on How You Save Your Work
File Management - Folder Structures
File Management - Searching for Files
File Management - Back Ups
File Management - Efficient Back Ups in the Media World
File Management - Discussion On How You Back Up Your Work
Introduction to Internet and Email
Protecting Your online Security and Privacy
Introduction to Email
What are the major features of an email client?
Introduction to History of Broadcasting
History of Broadcasting - The Rise of Radio
History of Broadcasting - Radio Programming
History of Broadcasting - The Emergence of Television as a Dominant Medium and It's Impact on Society.
History of Broadcasting - Television a.k.a. The Boob Tube
History of Broadcasting - Evolution of Cable and Satellite Through Streaming Content
History of Broadcasting - Television Evolving Into a Powerful Advertising and Propaganda Tool.
History of Broadcasting - The Digital Revolution
History of Broadcasting - Impact of the Internet on Broadcasting
History of Broadcasting - The Rise of the Internet’s Creative Middle-Class
History of Broadcast - The Rise of the Internet’s Creative Middle-Class - The Assessment Rubric
History of Broadcasting - Rise of the Internet's Creative Middle-Class Assignment
History of Broadcasting - Example Essay Response That Would Score Above Standard
History of Broadcast - The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Broadcasting
History of Broadcasting - Current Trends in Broadcasting
History of Broadcasting - The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Broadcasting Pt 2
The History of Broadcasting - The Rise of Virtual and Augmented Reality in Broadcasting
History of Broadcasting - The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Broadcasting - Real World Examples
History of Broadcasting - Awareness in Reporting Discussion
Chapter 5: LRS System Assignment