Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Sílabo/Resumen del curso

    • LIRN Library Access

  2. 2
    • Partes de la Computadora Personal - CPU

    • Partes de la Computadora Personal - RAM

    • Partes de la Computadora Personal - Discos Duros

    • Partes de la computadora personal - Placa base (Motherboard)

    • Partes de la Computadora Personal - Fuente de Alimentación

    • Unidad de Procesamiento Gráfico - Partes de la Computadora Personal

    • Parts of the Personal Computer - Display

    • Parts of the Personal Computer - Keyboard

    • Parts of the Personal Computer - Mouse

    • Parts of the Personal Computer - Sound Card

    • Parts of the Personal Computer - Audio Interfaces for High Quality Recording

    • Parts of the Personal Computer - Introduction to Microphones for High Quality Recording

    • Parts of the Personal Computer - Network Interface

    • Parts of the Personal Computer - Wireless Network Interface

    • Parts of the Personal Computer -For Discussion: What Have You Learned?

  3. 3
    • Introduction to File Management

    • File Management - Saving a File

    • File Management - Save a file to a network drive

    • File Management - Discussion on How You Save Your Work

    • File Management - Folder Structures

    • File Management - Searching for Files

    • File Management - Back Ups

    • File Management - Efficient Back Ups in the Media World

    • File Management - Discussion On How You Back Up Your Work

  4. 4
    • Introduction to Internet and Email

    • Protecting Your online Security and Privacy

    • Introduction to Email

    • What are the major features of an email client?

  5. 5
    • Introduction to History of Broadcasting

    • History of Broadcasting - The Rise of Radio

    • History of Broadcasting - Radio Programming

    • History of Broadcasting - The Emergence of Television as a Dominant Medium and It's Impact on Society.

    • History of Broadcasting - Television a.k.a. The Boob Tube

    • History of Broadcasting - Evolution of Cable and Satellite Through Streaming Content

    • History of Broadcasting - Television Evolving Into a Powerful Advertising and Propaganda Tool.

    • History of Broadcasting - The Digital Revolution

    • History of Broadcasting - Impact of the Internet on Broadcasting

    • History of Broadcasting - The Rise of the Internet’s Creative Middle-Class

    • History of Broadcast - The Rise of the Internet’s Creative Middle-Class - The Assessment Rubric

    • History of Broadcasting - Rise of the Internet's Creative Middle-Class Assignment

    • History of Broadcasting - Example Essay Response That Would Score Above Standard

    • History of Broadcast - The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Broadcasting

    • History of Broadcasting - Current Trends in Broadcasting

    • History of Broadcasting - The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Broadcasting Pt 2

    • The History of Broadcasting - The Rise of Virtual and Augmented Reality in Broadcasting

    • History of Broadcasting - The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Broadcasting - Real World Examples

    • History of Broadcasting - Awareness in Reporting Discussion

  6. 6
    • Chapter 5: LRS System Assignment