Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Introduction to Course: Course Overview

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1:

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Introduction to Commercial Writing & Persuasive Copywriting Pt. 1

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Introduction to Commercial Writing & Persuasive Copywriting Pt. 2

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Introduction to Commercial Writing & Persuasive Copywriting Pt. 3

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Introduction to Commercial Writing & Persuasive Copywriting Pt. 4

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Self - Assessment Rubric

    • Chapter 1- Session 1: Sample Scripts for Voice Practice:

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2:

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: QOD: What makes a public service announcement (PSA) compelling enough to change behavior or react to a call to action?

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: The Power of Persuasive Copywriting Pt. 1

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: The Power of Persuasive Copywriting Pt. 2

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: The Power of Persuasive Copywriting Pt. 3

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: The Power of Persuasive Copywriting Pt. 4

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: Understanding the Public Service Annoucement (PSA)

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: The 10 Steps to Making Your 1st PSA

    • Chaptre 1 - Session 2 Example PSA Examples

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: The Ad Council: Iconic Examples of PSA

    • Chapter 1 - Session 3: Using Tools of the Trade

    • Chapter 1 - Session 3: Review PSA Self-Assesment Rubric

    • Chapter 1 - Session 3: QOD: What was the most challenging thing to get correct in your production in this chapter?

    • Chapter 1 - Session 3: PSA Scripting and Production

  2. 2
    • Chapter 2 - Session 1:

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: QOD: How Would You Describe a Good Voice for Voice Overs?

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Introduction to Voice Over

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Professional Example & Thoughts from the Pros

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Advanced Voice Over by Edgar Garcia - Out of Class

    • Chapter 2 - Session 2:

    • Chapter 2 - Session 2: Directions for Promotions Spot

    • Chapter 2 - Session 2: Examples of Promotions Spots

    • Chapter 2 - Session 2: Self-Assessment for Promotions Spot

    • Chapter2 - Session 3:

    • Chapter 2 - Session 3: Promotion Spot Production

  3. 3
    • Chapter 3 - Session 1:

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Introduction of a Donut Spot

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Introduction of a Donut Spot Pt. 2

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Commercial Production Requirements

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Donut Spots Advantages and/or Disadvantages

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Donut Spot Media for Production

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Donut Spot Self-Assessment Rubric

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Script and Produce Donut Spot Commercial

    • Chapter 3 - Session 2:

    • Chapter 3 - Session 2: The “Ohio/Illinois/Colorado/Miami Media School” Commercial

    • Chapter 3 - Session 2: The 3 Person Mini Drama

    • Chapter 3 - Session 2: Directions for 3 Person Mini Drama

    • Chapter 3 - Session 2: Rubric for 3 Person Mini Drama

    • Chapter 3 - Session 3:

    • Chapter 3 - Session 3: Production Day!

  4. 4
    • Chapter 4 - Session 1:

    • Chapter 4 - Session 1: Introduction to the Concert Spot

    • Chapter 4 - Session 1: The Concert Spot Format

    • Chapter 4 - Session 1: The Concert Spot Rubric

    • Chapter 4 - Session 1 - Begin Scripting Concert Spot

    • Chapter 4 - Session 2: Continued Scripting and Production of Concert Spot

    • Chapter 4- Session 3:

    • Chapter 4 - Session 3 - Self-Assessment - Concert Spot

  5. 5
    • Chapter 5 - Session 1:

    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: Introduction to Music Radio Station Production

    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: Question of the Day - What is Your Dream Job?

    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: Roles In a Radio Station - Program Director

    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: Roles in a Radio Station - Sales Manager

    • Chapter 5 Session 1: Roles in Radio Station - Production Director

    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: Roles in Radio Station - Traffic Director

    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: Roles in Radio Station - Music Director Checklist

    • Chapater 5 - Session 1: Roles in Radio Station - News Director

    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: Roles in Radio Station - Imaging Director

    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: Roles in Radio Station - Promotions Director

    • Chapter 5 - Session 1 - Choosing Your Role in the Station and Define Station Branding with Examples

    • Chapter 5 - Session 2 - Understanding Vocabulary and Speaking the Lingo

    • Chapter 5 - Session 2 - Exploring a Stations Brand and Brand Promise

    • Chapter 5 - Session 2 - Exploring a Station's Brand Pt. 2

    • Chapter 5 - Session 2 - Introduction to a Format Clock

    • Chapter 5 - Session 2 - Examples of Format Clocks

    • Chapter 5 Session 2 - Examples of Format Clocks

    • Chapter 5 - Session 2 - Discussion on Format Clock

    • Chapter 5 - Session 2:

    • Chapter 5 - Session 2 - Team Work And It's Impact on a Successful Radio Station

    • Chapter 5 - Session 2 - Question of the Day - What Skills Are Required to Work Within a Successful Team?

    • Chapter 5 - Session 2: Introduction to Program Logs

    • Chapter 5 - Session 2 Introduction to Program Logs Pt. 2

    • Chapter 5 - Session 2 - Scripting Production Elements to Populate Format Clock

    • Chapter 5 - Session 2: Liner

    • Chapter 5 - Session 2: Sweeper

    • Chapter 5 - Session 2: Introduction to the Talk Break

    • Chapter 5 - Session 3:

    • Chapter 5 - Session 3 - Project Day

    • Chapter 5 - Session 3 - Production Considerations and Brand Identification

  6. 6
    • Chapter 6 - Session 1:

    • Chapter 6 - Session 1 - Radio Automation Systems

    • Chapter 6 - Session 1: Scripting Production Work for Session 3

    • Chapter 6 - Session 1: Show Rehearsal Preparation

    • Chapter 6 - Session 2:

    • Chapter 6 - Session 2: Record Talk Break for Self Assessment

    • Chapter 6 - Session 3:

    • Chapter 6 - Session 3: Project Day

    • Chapter 6 - Session 3: Dry Run of entire show

  7. 7
    • Chapter 7 - Session 1:

    • Chapter 7 - Session 1: Scripting Production Work for Session 3

    • CHapter 7 - Session 2:

    • Chapter 7 - Session 2: Dry Run of entire show

    • Chapter 7 - Session 3:

    • Chapter 7 - Session 3: Dry Run of entire show

  8. 8
    • Chapter 8 - Session 1:

    • Chapter 8 - Session 1: Dry Run of entire show

    • Chapter 8 - Session 1: Next Steps in Development of Your Skill Set

    • Chapter 8 - Session 2: Final Show Performance

    • Chapter 8 - Session 3:

  9. 9
    • Chapter 9 - Session 1:

    • Introduction to Spotlight Segment

    • Chapter 9 - Session 1 - Introduction to Advanced Mastering of Audio

    • Chapter 9 - Session 1: Introduction to Advanced Mastering of Audio

    • Chapter 9 - Session 1: The Importance of Nailing It in the Mix

    • Chapter 9 Session 1: Introduction to EQ

    • Chapter 10 - Session 1 - Understanding Frequency and How it Applies to EQ

    • Chapter 9 - Session 1 - Understanding Frequency and How It Applies to EQ Pt. 2

    • Chapter 9 - Session 1: Types of EQ - Graphic

    • Chapter 9-Session 1: Additive and Subtractive EQ with a Perimetric EQ

    • Chapter 9 - Session 1: Types of EQ - Parametric

    • Chapter 9 - Session 1: Understanding the Q

    • Chapter 9 - Session 2:

    • Chapter 9 - Session 2: Compression

    • Chapter 9 - Session 2: Multi-Channel Compression

    • Chapter 9 - Session 3:

    • Chapter 9 - Session 3: Question of the Day - What EQ settings worked best for your voice?

    • Chapter 9 - Session 3: Production of Commercial w/Compression & EQ

    • Chapter 9 - Session 3: Application of EQ with Your Voice

  10. 10
    • Chapter 10 - Session 1:

    • Chapter 10 - Session 1: Scripting for Session 3 Production

    • Chapter 10-Session 1: Self - Assessment of Concert Spot

    • Chapter 10 - Session 1: The Importance of the Demo

    • Chapter 10 - Session 1 - The Importance of the Demo and Practice.

    • Chapter 10 - Session 2:

    • Chapter 10 - Session 2: EQ as a Way to Tighten Up a Production

    • Chapter 10 - Session 3: Project Day - Commercial Concert Spot 1

    • Chapter 10 - Session 3:

  11. 11
    • Chapter 11 - Session 1:

    • Chapter 11 - Session 1: What is a LUFS and why should I care?

    • Chapter 11 - Session 2:

    • Chapter 11 - Session 2: Exploring Automation in Adobe

    • Chapter 11 - Session 1 - Scripting for 2nd Concert Spot

    • Chapter 11 - Session 3:

    • Chapter 11 - Session 3: Project Day

  12. 12
    • Chapter 12 - Session 1:

    • Chapter 12 - Session 1: Advanced Creative Cloud - Remix

    • Chapter 12 - Session 1: Scripting for Project Day Production

    • Chapter 12 - Session 2: Advanced Creative Cloud - Noise Removal

    • Chapter 12 - Session 3: Project Day

    • Project Day - Turn in 3rd Concert Spot

    • Spotlight Segment - Earth Day PSA

  13. 13
    • Chapter 13 - Session 1:

    • Chapter 13 - Session 1: What is Voice Tracking?

    • Chapter 13 - Session 2: Timeless Content

    • Chapter 13 - Session 1: Project Objectives for Voice Tracking

    • Cahpter 13 - Session 2:

    • Chapter 13 - Session 2: Continue Scripting for Production Requirements

    • Chapter 13 - Session 3:

    • Chapter 13 - Session 3: Project Day

  14. 14
    • Chapter 14 - Session 1:

    • chapter 13 - Session 1: Scripting for Production Elements on Session 3

    • Chapter 14 Session 1: Show Research

    • Chapter 14 - Session 2:

    • Chapter 14 Session 2: Show Research

    • Chapter 14 - Session 3:

    • Chapter 14 - Session 3: Project Day

  15. 15
    • Chapter 15 - Session 1:

    • Chapter 15 Session 1: Show Research

    • Chapter 15 - Session 1: Scripting for Session 3

    • Week 15 - Session 2:

    • Chapter 15 Session 2: Show Research

    • Chapter 15 - Session 2: Scripting for Session 3

    • Chapter 15 - Session 3:

    • Chapter 15 - Session 3: Project Day

  16. 16
    • Chapter 16 - Session 1:

    • Chapter 16 - Session 1: Show Research

    • Chapter 16 - Session 2:

    • Chapter 16 - Session 2: Show Research

    • Chapter 16 - Session 3: Project Day