RTB104 TV and Video Production COL 11-14-23
RTB104: TV & Video Production This course provides instruction and hands-on application of TV and video production within a series of applications.
Course Description
Quizlet Vocabulary Terms
Chapter 1- Session 1: Composition Part 1: Introduction to Rule of 3rds
Chapter 1 - Session 1: Introduction to Rule of 3rds
Chapter 1 - Session 1: Introduction to Equipment - Set Up and Tear Down
Chapter 1 - Session 2: Introduction to Fibonacci Curve
Chapter 1 - Session 2 Introduction to Fibonacci’s Curve
Chapter 1- Session 3: Project Day
Chapter 2- Session 1: Introduction to Lighting
Chapter 2 - Session 1: Introduction to 3 Point Lighting
Chapter 2 - Session 1: Roles of Individual Lights in a 3 Point Light Setup
Chapter 2- Session 2: Introduction to Lighting Pt 2
Chapter 2- Session 2: Practice Lighting Set Ups
Chapter 2- Session 2: Introduction to On Camera Performance
Chapter 2 - Session 2: Introduction to On Camera Performance - Johnny DiLoretto
Chapter 2 - Session 2: Introduction to On Camera Performance - Gail Hogan
Chapter 2 - Session 2: Introduction to On Camera Performance - Angela An
Chapter 2 - Session 2: Introduction to On Camera Performance - Dana Turtle
Chapter 2 - Session 2: Introduction to On Camera Performance - Anthony Rothman
Chapter 2 - Session 2: Introduction to On Camera Performance - Final Thoughts & Discussion
Chapter 2 - Session 2: Introduction to Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 2 - Session 2: Preparation for Student Presentation on Project Day 3
Chapter 3 - Session 2: How to Conduct and File and Interview Pt. 2
Chapter 2 - Session 3: The Art of the Interview
Chapter 2 - Session 3: Project Day - 3 Point Evaluation Evaluations
Chapter 2 - Session 3: Submission of Student Presentation
Chapter 3 - Session 1: The Art of the Interview Pt 2
Chapter 3 - Session 1: How to Conduct and Film an Interview
Chapter 3 - Session 2: Art of the Interview Pt 3.
Chapter 3 - Session 2: Tips for Great Interview Questions
Chapter 3 - Session 3: Submit Interview Footage
Chapter 3- Session 3: Project Day
Chapter 4 - Session 1: Edit Interview Filmed on Chapter 3 - Session 3
Chapter 4 - Session 2: Edit Interview Filmed on Chapter 3 - Session 3
Chapter 4- Session 3: It's a Wrap
Chapter 4 - Session 3 Interview Submission
Chapter 4 Session 3: Camera Operation Demonstration Results Submission
Chapter 5 - Session 1: Overview of this Block
Chapter 5 - Session 1 - Tour of the Control Room
Chapter 5- Session 1: Discussion Question
Chpater 5 - Session 2: The Roles of Talk Show Production
Chapter 5 - Session 3: Choosing Roles of Production
Chapter 5 - Session 3: Introduction to Virtual Sets
Chapter 5 - Session 3: Project Day: Define Topics the Show Will Cover
Chapter 6 - Session 2: Audio Board Operation
Chapter 6- Session 2: Camera, Teleprompter, and Audio Board Operation
Chapter 6 - Session 2: Demonstrate Understanding Camera, Teleprompter, and Audio Board Operation
Chapter 6 - Session 3 - Session TV Studio Camera Operation
Chapter 6 - Session 3: Finalize Scripts, Teleprompter files and Materials
Chapter 6 - Session 3: Turn in Final Scripts, Teleprompter files and Package Materials
Chapter 7- Session 1: Understanding Block Programming
Chapter 7- Session 1: Introduction to the Tricaster
Chapter 7 - Session 1: Introductions to Tricaster Operations
Purple Week 3- Session 2: Green Screen - Understanding the Roles of Color
Purple - Session 2: Student Demonstration of Tricaster Skills
Purple Week 3- Session 3: Green Screen - Understanding the Roles of Color Pt. 2
Purple Week 3- Session 3: Project Day - Walk through Rehearsals
Chapter 8 - Session 1: Walk through Rehearsals
Chapter 8- Session 2: Live Show Goes LIve
Purple Week 4 - Session 3: That's a Wrap
Chapter 8 Session 3
Overview of Block
Chapter 9 - Session1: Understanding the Pitch
Chapter 9 - Session 1: Researching Your Topic
Chapter 9- Session 2: Writing a Pitch
Chapter 9 - Session 2: Constructing Your Pitch
Chapter 9- Session 3: Introduction to Storyboarding Pt. 1
Chapter 9- Session 3: Introduction to Storyboarding
Chapter 9 - Session 3: Introduction to Storyboarding Pt. 2
Chapter 9- Session 2: Storyboard Examples by the Pros
Chapter 9 - Session 3: How to Create a Shot Llist
Chapter 9 - Session 3: How to Create a Shot List Pt. 2
Chapter 9: Storyboard Submission
Chapter 9: Project Day Pitch
Chapter 9: Introduction to Storyboarding Pt. 2
Chapter 9: Introduction to Color Correction
Chapter 10: Question on Camera Operation
Chapter 10: Review Camera Operation and Adobe Premier Workflows
Chapter 10: Introduction to Using a Boom Microphone
Chapter 10: Finalize Script and Shot List
Chapter 10: Introduction to Titles in Adobe Premiere
Chapter 10: Project Day - Filming Commercial
Chapter 11: Review Editing Procedures and Begin Editing
Chapter 11: Speed Up Your Workflow
Chapter 11: Review of Student Commercial Footage & Questions
Chapter 11: Introduction to Transitions in Adobe Premiere
Chapter 11: Exporting Complete Commercial Draft for Review
Chapter 11: Draft Commercial Submission
Chapter 12: Understanding the Value of Simple Transitions
Chapter 12: Review and Critique of Commercial Edit
Chapter 12: Reworking Commercial Based Upon Feedback
Chapter 12: Project Day - Final Commercial Submission
Chapter 12: That's a Wrap
Chapter 12: Final Commercial Submission
Submersion of Spotlight Segment :30 Second TV Commercial
Chapter 13 - Session 1: Introduction to After Effects
Chapter 13 - Managing Objects with Key Frames
Chapter 13: Introduction to Adobe After Effects
ChAPTER 13 - Session 2: Intro to Compos, Precomps, Layers and Timelines
Chapter 13- Session 2: Introduction to Comps, Precomps, Layers and Timelines
Chapter 13 - Session 3: Show What You Know
Chapter 13 Session 3: Project Day - Competency #1
Blue Week 2- Session 2: FX Compositing
Blue Week 2- Session 1: FX COMPOSITING
Blue Week 2- Session : FX Manage an Object with Keyframes
Blue Week 2- Session 2: FX Pt. 2
Blue Week 2 - Session 3 : How to Use a Key Cleaner and Spill Suppressor
Blue Week 2 - Session 3: Project Day - Competency Demo #2
Blue Week 2 - Session 3: Competency Demo #2 Submission
Blue Week 3- Session 1 - Introduction to CC Particle & Trapcode
Blue Week 3 - Session 1: ADVANCED AFTER AFFECTS
Blue Week 3 - Session 2: Create a Lower Third Animation
Blue Week 3 - Session 3: Introduction to Templates
Blue - Session 3 - How to Use a Key Cleaner & Spill Suppressor
Blue - Session 3: Project Day - Competency Demo #3
Blue Week 4 - Session 2: Dynamic Link Review: After Effects to Premiere
Blue Week 4- Session 2: Dynamic Link and Adobe Media Encoder
Blue Week 4 - Session 2: Using Dynamic Link and After Effects
Blue Session : That's a Wrap