Course Curriculum

  1. 1
    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Course Description

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Introduction to the Internet

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Introduction to the Internet

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Understanding Modes of Communication

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: IP Address Transition to Domain Names

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Understanding Domain Names

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Understanding Domain Names Pt. 2

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Introduction to HTML

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Understanding HTML Syntax

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: Understanding the Construction of a Web Page

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: The HTML Simulator

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: The HTML Quick Reference Guide

    • Chapter 1 - Session 1: HTML Practice

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: WordPress

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: Getting Started with WordPress

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: Introduction to WordPress

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: Create Your Account

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: Basic Set Up

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: Introduction to Blogging

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: Introduction to Blogging - Topics and Organization

    • Chapter 1- Session 2: The Digital Writing Process

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: Understanding the Gutenberg WordPress Editor

    • Chapter 1 - Session 2: Self-Assessment of 1st Blog Post

    • Chapter 1 - Session 3:

    • Chapter 1 - Session 3: Writing 1st Blog

  2. 2
    • Chapter 2 - Session 1:

    • Chapter 2 - Session 1: Understanding How People Read on the Web

    • Chapter 2 - Session 1: Writing for the Scanning Audience

    • Chapter 2 - Session 1: Writing for the Scanning Audience Pt. 2

    • Chapter 2 - Session 1: Expertise Matters!

    • Chapter 2 - Session 2:

    • Chapter 2 - Session 2: Engagement and Communication

    • Chapter 2 - Session 2: Using Media in Posts & Pages

    • Chapter 2 - Session 2: Using Metadata to Increase SEO

    • Chapter 2 - Session 2: How Search Engines Discover Content on the Web

    • Chapter 2 - Session 2: SEO and Your Website

    • Chapter 2 - Session 2: SEO and Your Website - SEO Simulator

    • Chapter 2 - Session 2: Preparing for Blog Post 2

    • Chapter 2 - Session 3:

    • Chapter 2 - Session 3: Writing 2nd Blog Post

  3. 3
    • Chapter 3 - Session 1:

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Ways to Get Paid for Blogging

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Mediums of Content

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1 Strategies of Audience Engagement

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Where does Your Audience Hang Out?

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Using Emotion to Engage Your Audience

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Happiness

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Sadness

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Fear

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Anger/Anticipation

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Loneliness / Jealousy

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Disgust / Surprise

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: Trust

    • Chapter 3 -Session 1: Add Value & Relevance to your Audience

    • Chapter 3- Session 1: The Power of Linking with Others - The Link Back

    • Chapter 3 - Session 1: The Power of Linking with Others - The Link Back

    • Chapter 3 - Session 2:

    • Chapter 3- Session 2: The Power of Linking with Others - Coordination in Hashtags

    • Chapter 3- Session 2: The Power of Linking with Other - Amplifying the Message

    • Chapter 3 - Session 2: Preparing for Blog 3 in Session 3

    • Chapter 3 - Session 3:

    • Chapter 3- Session 3: Project Day - Blog 3

  4. 4
    • Chapter 4- Session 1:

    • Chapter 4 - Session 1: Tools of the Trade - A Deeper Dive

    • Chapter 4 - Session 1: Embedding Social Media Posts

    • Chapter 4 - Session 1: Embedding Social Media Posts - Facebook

    • Chapter 4 - Session 1: Embedding Social Media Posts - Twitter

    • Chapter 4 - Session 1: Embedding Social Media Posts - Instagram

    • Chapter 4 - Session 1: Embedding Polls & Surveys

    • Chapter 4 - Session 2:

    • Chapter 4 - Session 2: Schedule Posts in Advanced to Regulate Content

    • Chapter 4 - Session 2: Schedule Posts in Advance to Regulate Content Pt. 2

    • Chapter 4 - Session 2: Schedule Posts in Advance to Regulate Content Pt. 3

    • Chapter 4 - Session 2: Preparation for Blog Post 4

    • Chapter 4 - Session 3:

    • Chapter 4 - Session 3: Project Day

  5. 5
    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: The Power of Podcasting

    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: Getting Started with a Podcast - Show Elements

    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: Getting Started with a Podcast - Choosing a Name

    • Chapter 5- Session 1: A Case Study - The Make a Difference Podcast

    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: Getting Started with a Podcast - Logo

    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: Getting Started with a Podcast - Intro & Outro Productions

    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: Getting Started with a Podcast - Music

    • Chapter 5- Session 1: Getting Started with a Podcast - Show Hosting / Format

    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: Getting Started with a Podcast - Host/Format

    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: Getting Started with a Podcast - Finding Guests

    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: Getting Started with a Podcast - Format Clock Template

    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: Getting Started with a Podcast - Podcast Description

    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: Length and Frequency of Release

    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: Grouping Shows by a Season

    • Chapter 5 - Session 1: Summary of Student Submissions

    • Chapter 5 - Session 2: Hosting -

    • Chapter 5 - Session 2: Hosting - Captivate

    • Chapter 5 - Session 2: Create a Introduction Podcast Script to Produce on Day 3 Project Day

    • Chapter 5 - Session 2: Getting Started with

    • Chapter 5 - Session 2: - Steps to Create in

    • Chapter 5 - Session 3: Project Day - Publish Introduction Podcast

  6. 6
    • Chapter 6 - Session 1: understanding an RSS Feed

    • Chapter 6 - Session 1: Understanding an RSS Feed Pt. 2

    • Chapter 6 - Session 1: Application of RSS Feeds

    • Chapter 6 - Session 1: Application of RSS Feeds - IHeart & Gaana Portals

    • Chapter 6 - Session 1: Session Deliverables

    • Chapter 6 - Session 2: Podcasting as a Conversation

    • Chapter 6 - Session 2: How to Find Messages in Anchor's Dashboard

    • Chapter 6 - Session 2: Google Voice

    • Chapter 6 - Session 2: Google Voice Pt. 2 - Have a Live Phone Call on Your Podcast

    • Chapter 6 - Session 2: Back Channel Conversations on Social Media

    • Chapter 6 - Session 2: Session Deliverables

    • Chapter 6 - Session 2: Self Assessment for Session 3

    • Chapter 6 - Session 3: Session Deliverables

  7. 7
    • Chapter 7 - Session 1: Strategies to Make Money with a Podcast

    • Chapter 7 - Session 1: Strategies to Make Money with a Podcast Pt. 2

    • Chapter 7 - Session 1: Strategies to Make Money with a Podcast Pt. 3

    • Chapter 7- Session 1: Session Deliverables

    • Chapter 7 - Session 2: Tools of the Trade

    • Chapter 7 - Session 2:

    • Chapter 7 - Session 2:

    • Chapter 7 - Session 2: -Features

    • Chapter 7 - Session 2: - How to Use

    • Chapter 7 - Session 2: Student Deliverables

    • Chapter 7 - Session 2: Preparation for Session 3 Project Day

    • Chapter 7 - Session 3: Deliverables for Session 3 Project Day

  8. 8
    • Chapter 8- Session 1: Understanding Levels

    • Chapter 8 - Session 1: What is a LUFS and Why Should I Care?

    • Chapter 8 - Session 1: Matching Loudness

    • Chapter 8 - Session 1: How Podcasting Can Help You Land a Job!

    • Chapter 8 - Session 1: Student Deliverables

    • Chapter 8- Session 2: Understanding Podcast Analytics in &

    • Chapter 8 - Session 2: Student Deliverables

    • Chapter 8 - Session 2: Preparation for Session 3 Project Day

    • Chapter 8 - Session 3: Student Deliverables

  9. 9
    • Introduction to Spotlight Segment

    • Chapter 9 - Session 1: Introduction to LinkedIn

    • Chapter 9 - Session 1: What are You Willing to Put Into the Platform

    • Chapter 9 - Session 1: Building a LinkedIn Profile

    • Chapter 9- Session 1: Building a LinkedIn Profile - Education & Experience

    • Chapter 9 - Session 2: Building a LinkedIn Profile - Network Associations

    • Chapter 9 - Session 1: Building a LinkedIn Profile - Following Groups

    • Chapter 9 - Session 1: Assessment of your Profile

    • Chapter 9- Session 1: Student Deliverables

    • Chapter 9 - Session 2: Transforming Your WordPress Site

    • Chapter 9- Session 2: Examine WordPress' Power For Your Site

    • Chapter 9- Session 2: Setting Up a Shell for your Site

    • Chapter 9- Session 2: The Minimum Requirements of Your Website

    • Chapter 9 - Session 2: Student Deliverables

    • Chapter 9 - Session 2:

    • Chapter 9 - Session 3 Project Day

  10. 10
    • Chapter 10 - Session 1: Embedding Audio/Video and Digital Elements

    • Chapter 10 - Session 1: Embedding - Others Considerations

    • Chapter 10 - Session 1: Student Deliverables

    • Chapter 10 - Session 2: Professional Blogging: Writing for a Purpose

    • Chapter 10 - Session 2: Writing to Inform

    • Chapter 10 - Session 2: Blogging's Hidden Power!

    • Chapter 10 - Session 2: Everything You Need to Know About Creating a Successful Blog for Business

    • Chapter 10 - Session 2: Planning a Content Strategy for Your Blog

    • Chapter 10 - Session 2: Content Considerations

    • Chapter 10 - Session 2: Content and Readability

    • Chapter 10 - Session 2: Student Deliverables

    • Chapter 10 - Session 3: Project Day

    • Chapter 10- Session 3: Take it to the Next Level

  11. 11
    • Chapter 11 - Session 1: Embedding Your Resume

    • Chapter 11 - Session 1: Finalized Navigation and Learning Custom Menus

    • Chapter 11 - Session 1: Student Deliverables

    • Chapter 11 - Session 2: Sharing Buttons and Contact Forms

    • Chapter 11 - Session 2: Adding Current Content to a Demo Page

    • Chapter 11 - Session 2: Student Deliverables

    • Chapter 11 - Session 2: Preparation for Project Day in Session 3

    • Chapter 11 - Session 3: Project Day

    • Chapter 11 - Session 3: Supplemental Reading on Theme Selection

  12. 12
    • Chapter 12 - Session 1: Theme Selection

    • Chapter 12 - Session 1: Student Deliverables

    • Chapter 12 - Session 2: Auto Posting Blog Posts

    • Chapter 12 - Session 2: Student Deliverables

    • Chapter 12 - Session 3: Student Deliverables

    • Spotlight Segment - Earth Day PSA

  13. 13
    • Chapter 13 - Session 1: Introduction to Music Video

    • Chapter 13- Session 1: Case Studies - Take on Me - A-Ha

    • Chapter 13 - Session 1: Case Study - Thriller - Michael Jackson

    • Chapter 13 - Session 1: Case Study - God's Plan - Drake

    • Chapter 13- Session 1: Case Study - OK Go - Abstract

    • Chapter 13 - Session 1: Student Examples - Should I Stay or Should I Go and Stuck with You

    • Chapter 13 - Session 1:

    • Chapter 13- Session 2: Music Survey Sheet

    • Music Video Final Project Rubric

    • Chapter 13 - Session 2: Introduction Treatment

    • Chapter 13 - Session 2: Introduction to Storyboarding

  14. 14
    • Chapter 14 - Session 1: Selection of Shooting Sites

    • Chapter 14 - Session 2: - Adjustment to Scripting and Storyboards

    • Chapter 14- Session 3 - Project Day

  15. 15
    • Chapter 15 - Session 1: Effects and Production Value

    • Chapter 15 - Session 2: Adobe Dynamic Link

    • Chapter 15 - Session 3: Project

  16. 16
    • Chapter 16- Session 1: Feedback and Adjustments

    • Chapter 16- Session 2: Final Edit Session

    • Chapter 16 - Session 3: Student Presentations