Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Introduction to Course - Overview

    • Syllabus

    • Final Project Evaluation Rubric

  2. 2
    • Week One - Session One: The Basics

    • Week One - Session Two: Preparing & Scripting First MMJ Pkg

    • Week One - Session Three - Complete MMJ Story Script (Project Day)

    • Week 1 - Session 3 - Supplemental Reading - TV News Packages Pt 1

    • Week 1 - Session 3 - supplemental Reading - TV News Packages Pt 2

    • Week 1 - Session 3 - supplemental Reading - TV News Packages Pt 3

    • Week 1 - Session 3 - Supplemental - Reading - TV News Packages Pt 4

  3. 3
    • Week 2 - Session 1 - Pre-Production Planning and Shooting

    • Week 2 - Session 2 - Gathering Source Materials 

    • Week 2 - Session 3 - Interview Preparation and Scouting (Project Day)

  4. 4
    • Week 3 - Session 1 - Shooting/Editing/Interview Assessment

    • Week 3 - Session 2 - Camera Operation Review

    • Week 3 - Session 3 - Shooting Interviews/B-Roll

  5. 5
    • Week 4 - Session 1 - Review Student Raw Footage

    • Week 4 - Session 2 - Video Editing Preparations/Editing

    • Week 4 - Session 3 - Final Edit Day (Project Day)

  6. 6
    • Week 5 - Session 1 - Introduction to Drones

    • Week 5 - Session 1 - Drone Safety Guidelines

    • Week 5 - Session 1 - Outside of Class Planning

    • Week 5 - Session 2 - Apps to assist drone operations.

    • Week 5 - Session 3 (Project Day) - Lift Off

  7. 7
    • Week 6 - Session 1 - FAA Certification

    • Week 6 - Session 1 - Completion of Trust Test

    • Week 6 - Session 2 - Drones as an imaging Tool

    • Week 6 - Session 3 - Application of Ariel Images (Project Day)

  8. 8
    • Week 7 - Session 1 Continued Drone Operations Practice

    • Week 7 - Session 2 - Continued Drone Operations Practice and Project Production

    • Week 7 - Session 3 - Project Day

  9. 9
    • Week 8 - Session 1 - Continued production on MMJ project.

    • Week 8 - Session 2 - Final Adjustments for Presentation

    • Week 8 - Session 3 - Presentations

  10. 10
    • Introduction to Spotlight Segment

    • Week 9 - Session 1 - Introduction to Block

    • Week 9 - Session 2 - Discussion on B Roll

    • Week 9 - Session 3 - Project Day

    • Week 9 - Session 3 - Script Submission to Instructor

  11. 11
    • Week 10 - Session 1 - Securing Interviews

    • Week 10 - Session 2 - Recording Interviews

    • Week 10 - Session 3 Project Day

    • Week 10 - Session 3 - Project Day MMJ Assignment Turn In

  12. 12
    • Week 11 - Session 1 - Preparing social media teases for your package

    • Week 11 - Session 2 - Produce Social Media Teases

    • Week 11 - Session 3 - Social Media Tease Production Project Day

    • Week 11 - Session 3 - Turn In Social Media Teases

  13. 13
    • Week 12 - Session 1 Review and Critique

    • Week 12 - Session 2 - Improve Social Media Teases Based Upon Critique

    • Week 12 - Session 3 - Project Day

    • Week 12 - Session 3 - Project Day Final Materials Turn In

    • Introduction to Spotlight Segment MMJ Project for Earth Day

  14. 14
    • Week 13 - Session 1 - What is a Documentary?

    • Week 13 - Session 2 - Discussion of B-Roll

    • Week 13 - Session 3 Project Day

    • Week 13 - Session 3 - Turn in 1st draft of script for documentary

  15. 15
    • Week 14 Session 1 - Review Script and Prepare Interviews.

    • Week 14 - Session 2 - Understanding the Story Structure Circle

    • Week 14 - Session 3 - Project Day

    • Week 14 - Session 3 - Project Day - Audio Narrative Submission

  16. 16
    • Week 15 - Session 1 - Review and Critique

    • Week 15 - Session 2 - Continued Collection of Footage

    • Week 15 - Session 3 - Project Day - Exporting Draft for Critique

    • Week 15 - Session 3 - Project Day - Turn in Draft for Critique

  17. 17
    • Week 16 - Session 1 - Review and Critique

    • Week 16 - Session 2 - Revisions based upon Day 1 Discussion

    • Week 16 - Session 3 - Discussions on Growth and Final Submissions

    • Week 16 - Session 3 - Final Project Submission